Reporters Without Borders and Blanquerna – Universidad Ramon Llull sign an educational cooperation agreement

  • The alliance includes projects from curricular work experience to the development of events and joint research
  • This union is essential for the defense of a right so fragile as the freedom of information and of the press


Reporters Without Borders Spain and the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations – University Ramon Llull have signed an educational cooperation agreement, motivated by the common goal of both institutions to defend freedom of information and the press. 

The active protection of this valuable right supposes cultivating the collective conscience of citizens about the importance of access to independent, plural and censorship-free information, especially at university level, where future professionals who will take on this challenge are trained, through the Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication or the master’s, postgraduate and doctoral degrees, as in the case of the Official Master’s degree in Advanced Journalism and the Master’s degree in International Journalism, among others.

Through different projects that include professional work experience of students, academic research and visibility of the values ​​that unite us before civil society, Reporters Without Borders Spain and Blanquerna show their commitment to defending a fundamental right that continues to be in danger today.

The signing of the agreement of curricular work experience placements opens the possibility of training students in the fight against misinformation, which requires vigilant eyes and firm voices that act with courage in the face of any sign of erosion or setback. 

At the same time, they will develop talks, courses, seminars and conferences to raise awareness about the difficult situation in which information professionals find themselves around the world, with special attention given to the situation of journalism in Latin America.

The need to protect journalists in conflict zones, fight against the precariousness that prevents covering wars, obtain real data, figures and images of what is happening around the world, has opened a space for RSF and Blanquerna to work together for the defense of these fragile rights.